Entrepreneurship and Education
Education with all the aesthetics it carries will always prepare citizens of any nation for employment. Employment, for decades has always remained as the dividend of education. But in the last 4 decades; in Nigeria, education can no longer deliver its promise of employment to its victims even though It has stolen so many people away from entrepreneurship. Those who by chance cannot go to school or not capable of scaling through academic success end up becoming entrepreneurs,most of the times against their wish. Entrepreneurship has long accommodated those who cannot go through the hurdles of education.Entrepreneurship has remained and will always remain the only alternative to employment. This is because long before the advent of western education, African continent was known for entrepreneurship. We are always happy to say that the most successful people in any society are Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are very important in any human community as their major duty is to create jobs for people. They are the smartest people ever known. Entrepreneurship abilities is not measured by how educated you are, it all about skillfulness. As a matter of fact we have noticed that education only prepare human resources for entrepreneurs by programming all beneficiaries of education to become employees.

The illiterates’ African generations were all skillful entrepreneurs. They were engaged in indigenous occupations such as farming, hunting, lumbering, fishing, dying, black smiting etc. The illiterates’ African generations due to their occupations and interactions with nature created lots of things. Most of the food and food recipes we enjoyed today were created by the illiterates’ African generations. Entrepreneurship is a form of kingship. They control people through employment and the products they create. In Nigeria for example, Dangote Group produced virtually all the salt Nigerians consume.
Western education introduced us to white collar jobs. It has westernized the African people and made us slaves to employment. This is the reason for our underdevelopment. A continent filled with so much employees will rather be a consuming continent. Africa is filled with people looking for white collar jobs.
The desire for white collar jobs is greater than our desire to explore our resources. The resources of any nation can only be explored through “Entrepreneurship” and not by having a population of employees.
In Nigeria today we are going through a very difficult moment in our history with almost half of the population unemployed.We cannot fold our hands and watch a generation of educated people waste away. The statistics of unemployed people in Nigeria keep up-surging year in year out. As at 2023, over 80 million Nigerians were confirmed to be jobless. The situation has remained the same in all the third world countries. Unemployment is destroying the life and destinies of the youths of this generation. We see it as the damaging effect of Education and colonization, where a generation of people were all programed through education to become “Employees”

At Sunshine Resources, we encourage people to acquire skills which are the prerequisites to becoming entrepreneurs. We point out the Independent nature of entrepreneurship which is very important to the dignity of mankind as against the slavery nature of employment.
We spell out very clearly the conspiracy of education in terms of preparing people only to be slaves and servants all the days of their lives.

Qualities of Prospective Entrepreneurs
- Courage
This is the fuel that drives your desire to bear risk and turn problems into opportunities. Just like the automobile engine need to overcome the weight of the vehicle in order to move the vehicle forward so also entrepreneurs need courage to overcome any suspected fear such as Low patronage, harsh economic conditions, risk of losing one’s investments etc.
2. Business consciousness.
This is a virtue of a successful entrepreneur that sits next to courage. Observations have shown that most Nigerian young school graduates are not business conscious people. This is due to nature of training they acquired from their various institutions. Training that focus mostly on seeking for paid job after graduation from school.
3. Agile
Apart from mental strength, agility is the physical strength that you may need in order to push your ideas forward. As an entrepreneur you need to direct your human and material resources right in order to achieve your goal.
4. Dynamic
When a successful entrepreneur sees opportunities, he immediately creates values. A story was told of a marketer who was sent to a village to go and market a brand of shoes. When he got to the village, he noticed that none of the villagers had shoes on. After making some inquiry; he noticed that the people in that village don’t wear shoes and hence he drew the conclusion that they cannot buy shoes.
But when another marketer was sent to that village, after noticing that none of the villagers had shoes he saw a very good opportunity to sell shoes to them and teach them how to wear shoes.
Entrepreneurial Skills in Production Business
Sachet and bottle water companies in Nigeria are creating new job opportunities for those who want to excel in the area. There are so many entrepreneurs who are investing their money in the production businesses. If you are an Intrapreneur and a guru in the sachet water manufacturing business and you don’t have the capital to establish your own business. With the skills you have acquired you can become a consultant in the establishment of sachet water or bottled water company. This means that you can be hired to establish such company by giving accurate and useful advice, procurement and installation of equipment, training of staff, registration of the company with NAFDAC and finally handing over the company to well-trained personnel and that will mark the termination of your contract. You could make good money from consultancy business and from here; you can gather capital to start your own business.
There are entrepreneurs who will build a well-equipped production outfit and rent it out to anyone who is qualified to run it.

Such an established company will usually have 2-automatic sealing machine in the production room, a good van to transport the commodity around the city to supply to customers. A genuine source of water supply and a well certified product by NAFDAC. Depending on where the factory is located; the rent is between N50, 000- N100, 000 per month whether in season or out of season.
Young and promising entrepreneurs can take up such opportunities and make the best out of it. You can make more money than you can ever imagine. In this kind of business you have great chances of growth. You have full monopoly of your ideas, skills and innovations to drive the business forward. There is no hindrance or interference from anywhere as the owner of the business has given you time to grow so long as you pay your rent as at when due .

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