Our Resources
We have both Paid and Free Resources
Paid resources are our e-books and designated videos
Free Resources are all YouTube Videos
To enjoy our Fee resources, visit our YouTube channel

E-Book : The Sunshine Resources Production Guideline E-Book
At sunshine Resources Stores, we have E-book on production Guidelines 2020 edition; containing list of chemicals, processes and methods on how to produce over 50 house hold products. It also contain tips on how to build your production business from scratch including protocol for NAFDAC Registration. In this book we try to simplify production skills for you as much as possible. Click on the link below to place an order.
Sunshine Resources Production Guidelines E-book
2021 Edition
With additional scientific explanations to some of the processes. Click on the button below to pay

Free Resources
Our free resources consist of free videos on our YouTube Channel. Here is a checklist of some of the contents on videos.

Click the link below to start learning
Over 50 formula of Household Products
With High Quality You are Sure of………………..